In many organizations, making the decision to implement a 360 program is easy. Once the decision has been made, however, it doesn’t take long for organizations to become overwhelmed by the myriad of options facing them. The purpose of this document is to cover key information for planning the implementation of a 360 program. This document is designed to ensure that the necessary details regarding survey development, administration, processing, reporting, training, action planning and follow-up are fully accounted for. Careful planning of a 360 program helps to ensure the success and effectiveness of the program.

- Project Background – Objectives
- Resources
- Scope
- Measures of Success
Project Planning
- Who
- Confidentiality
- Communications
- Training Needs
- Action Implementation
Survey Development
- Survey content purpose/background
- Items/dimensions
- Open ended
- Demographics
- Translations
- Graphics
- Consulting/Research Services
Distribution & Administration
- Registration
- Distribution
- Administration
- Help/Support
- Reminders
Data Collection, Tracking & Processing
- Tracking – Administrative roles
Data Analysis & Reporting
- Reports needed – individual/group
- Report format
- Norms
- Historical
- Layout and format
- Distribution
- Analyses
Action Planning & Follow-up
- Post-administration communications
- Training – Coaching
- Action Planning
- Electronic Coaching
- Checkup Survey
- Program Evaluation – Alignment – Integration
- Intervals
- Development
- Administration
- Reporting
- Action planning
- Follow up