360 Quick Assessment Plan

  In many organizations, making the decision to implement a 360 program is easy.  Once the decision has been made, however, it doesn’t take long for organizations to become overwhelmed by the myriad of options facing them.  The purpose of this document is to cover key information for planning the implementation of a 360 program. …

Conflict Lens

  Creating Constructive Conflict Resolution   Based on research of over 6,000 actual workplace conflicts, Conflict Lens discovered that behavior centered on conflict can be measured and described through ten dimensions. To effectively manage conflict situations, people must become aware of their reactions to conflict and learn methods for achieving constructive outcomes. The assessment of…

Revolution 360

  Trust is at the heart of employee engagement, productivity, creativity and sustainable business as a whole. When employees feel they can trust their organization and their leaders, it’s easier for them to also feel aligned to the company’s mission, its products and their work. Building and maintaining trust starts with leaders. Leaders who aren’t…


The Company Amgen isn’t a big player in the common cold, sore throat remedies or allergy prescription realm of medicine. They develop a pipeline of medicines, striving to create breakthroughs. A biotechnology pioneer since 1980, Amgen focuses on developing and manufacturing medications for rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease, cancer and other serious medical conditions. This calls…

Control Function – Custom Risk Application

Change isn’t easy for any organization or industry, especially during times of recovery. Yet, the international banking community’s new rules surrounding incentive-based compensation, called for banks to adapt quickly. As a result, large financial institutions faced extra hurdles and time crunches, and Material Risk Takers (MRTs) were greatly impacted.   These inidividuals who have the…

Check-Up 360 Outcomes

  Follow-up Effectiveness Study After both parts of this study were completed, the results showed that a huge majority of leaders (95%) were now perceived as responding to their direct reports and/or doing at least a “little follow-up.” More than half of the leaders (55%) did “consistent” follow-up and approximately a third (31%) did frequent…

5 Basic Relationships and the Bottom Line

FIVE BASIC RELATIONSHIPS AND THE BOTTOM LINE   If you lead a large business organization, it’s likely that the general public doesn’t trust you.  The National Leadership Index 2009 found that Americans have below-average confidence in leaders and while those levels are increasing they still remain lower than in years prior to 2008. 69% of all Americans believe we have a leadership crisis…

3 Steps to Trust

Work Effects  Developing Trust, Delivering Results Work Effects Crafts 3 Small Steps for Building Trust and Leaving Big Footprints in the Workforce   What do Augustus Caesar, George Washington, Gandhi and Jack Welch have in common? All of these great leaders mastered the small steps of building trust among their superiors, peers and followers. Trust is what drove…